USEA Award Criteria & Eligibility

Award Criteria

USEA award recipients should embody the three core values listed below. Alignment to core values will be the criteria the Awards Committee will use to evaluate nominees. 

  • Service/Leadership: Award recipients are leaders in STEM education and have a demonstrated record of outstanding service and leadership within their program, community, or school that has resulted in significant positive impact.
  • Broadening Engagement: Award recipients expand opportunities for students, educators, faculty, and staff of all backgrounds to engage in learning and discovery.
  • Excellence in STEM Education: Award recipients create innovative learning environments that support students’ success in STEM education and foster their learning in and out of the classroom.

Award winners are recognized at the UTeach STEM Educators Conference reception, May 20-22 in Reno, Nevada. Award winners receive complimentary conference registration.

See below for more details on criteria for each award.


  • September 2024: USEA Awards nominations open
  • January 2025: USEA Awards nominations close
  • January 2025: Deadline for all nominees to submit all supplemental materials (CV, personal statements, references)
  • March 2024: Award winners notified


You may nominate yourself or others.


  • UTeach program faculty, instructors, or staff from any fully established UTeach program that has paid its annual dues, and who have a minimum of two years of experience in the appropriate program position for the award.
  • Any UTeach program graduate currently employed by a K-12 school or district, with at least two years' experience as an educator, are eligible for the USEA Alumni Award.
  • Haven’t received a USEA award within the past 5 years.

Not eligible: active USEA Executive Board members or individuals working in programs that do not pay annual dues

Submit an award nomination

Documentation Required

With the nomination, submit a short description of why the individual is being nominated, including examples of how the nominee meets the criteria. Though it is not required for the nominee to meet all of the listed criteria for a given award, evidence of success on multiple criteria is strongly encouraged.

After nominations are received, USEA will contact the nominees and request that they submit a narrative (limited to 500 words) summarizing their accomplishments related to UTeach and/or USEA. The narrative should include why UTeach and/or USEA is important to them. Nominees must also submit a current curriculum vitae.

Examples for Demonstrating Award Criteria

Outstanding Master Teacher Award

For demonstrated excellence in the role of UTeach Master Teacher, the heart of UTeach programs.

Evidence can include (but is not limited to):

  • Innovation(s) in teaching STEM education research-based learning strategies
  • Successful application of UTeach courses
  • Active membership in state or national science/math teaching associations (e.g., NCTM, NSTA, NABT, etc.)
  • Active participation in state or national science/math teaching conferences
  • Active involvement in taking students to national/state teaching conferences for participation in presentations and posters
  • Leadership within the UTeach community through committee work with the UTeach Institute, presentations at UTeach conferences or Master Teacher retreats, or other appropriate activities
  • Active, successful work with districts, schools, and/or STEM teachers for mentoring of UTeach students
  • Leadership and participation in STEM outreach activities within the university, local community, statewide community, or national community
  • Scholarly activity in STEM education research

Outstanding Staff Member Award

For demonstrated excellence in a UTeach staff support role.

Evidence can include (but is not limited to):

  • Strong support for students through advising, materials management, office management, and/or administrative management
  • Excellence or innovation in program support through advising, materials management, office management, and/or administrative management
  • Excellence or innovation in recruitment of students into the program 

Outstanding Alumni Award

For demonstrated excellence as an alumnus of a UTeach program.

Evidence can include (but is not limited to):

  • Excellence in implementation of UTeach and/or STEM education research-based teaching strategies in the classroom
  • Excellence in the implementation of technologies in the classroom that support student success and foster student learning
  • Active involvement in alumni-focused events and communications
  • Leadership within the department, school, and/or district (e.g., mentoring new teachers, service on leadership teams, development of new instructional materials/curricular materials, leadership in professional development activities, mentoring of UTeach students)
  • Active involvement in state and/or national STEM teaching associations (e.g., NCTM, NSTA, NABT, etc.)
  • Presentations at state and/or national STEM teaching conferences

Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award

For demonstrated teaching excellence while in the role of a UTeach program faculty member. (Note: This award is for UTeach faculty who are not also Master Teachers.)

Evidence can include (but is not limited to):

  • Innovations in teaching STEM education research-based learning strategies
  • Promotion of collegiality between College of Education and College of Science (or equivalent) through cross-college committee work and/or other appropriate activities
  • Leadership and participation in STEM outreach activities within the university, local, state, and/or national arenas
  • Record of outstanding service to campus UTeach program
  • Development of successful courses for UTeach program students
  • Development of successful courses and/or degree programs for STEM majors that aid UTeach program students in completion of their major and progress toward earning certification

Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award

For demonstrated excellence in scholarly activities while in the role of a UTeach faculty member. (Note: This award is for UTeach faculty who are not also Master Teachers.)

Evidence can include (but is not limited to):

  • Promotion of collegiality between College of Education and College of Science (or equivalent) through cross-college committee work and/or other appropriate activities
  • Leadership and participation in STEM outreach activities within the university, local, state, and/or national arenas
  • Record of outstanding service to campus UTeach program
  • Publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals that contribute to the knowledge base about successful implementation of UTeach and/or teacher preparation strategies
  • Strong track record with grant programs related to the advancement of STEM education

USEA Special Award

Outstanding achievement or contributions to STEM education or the work of the UTeach network. (Note: This award can be given to individuals or to organizations and is given at the discretion of the USEA awards committee.)

Examples of areas of outstanding service:

  • STEM education advocacy
  • UTeach program advocacy
  • Building financial support of STEM education or UTeach programs
  • Public policy 
  • STEM education teachers and teacher preparation

USEA President’s Award

Awards determined by the USEA President on an annual basis for recognition of contributions to STEM education, the UTeach network, or USEA.